Warranty terms

All Aeromarine SRT testers are supplied with a 2 years warranty against manufacturing and firmware faults. 

In the unlikely event of a problem, the video manuals at our web site provide some trouble shooting advices or you can contact us directly at web contact form.

Terms of the warranty

All testers have a 2 years warranty starting from the date of your purchase of a new product.

  • The warranty is non-transferable and rests solely and exclusively with the original purchaser of the new product.
  • The warranty is invalidated if the product is damaged through misuse and/or installed or operated incorrectly or damaged as a result of an external event such as a severe electrical surge such as caused by a lightning strike.
  • The warranty is invalidated if the product is mechanically damaged, or LCD is broken while using.
  • The warranty is valid if the fault is due to battery leakage of supplied batteries.
  • The warranty is invalidated if the device was damaged in result of use of improper batteries, their leakage, exceeding voltage supply, etc.
  • The warranty is strictly return to Aeromarine SRT for repair or replacement. In the event that the same model is not available, Aeromarine SRT shall replace with a comparable model, which offers the same or better functionality.

How to make a warranty claim?

Aeromarine SRT assures continuous customer support. In the unlikely event of a problem our customer support team is here to help and can be easily contacted by email. If your unit needs to be returned to us we will do our best to minimize the time it takes and keep you informed at all times.

  • Contact your original supplier of the product, or Aeromarine SRT at web contact form.
  • In order to make a warranty claim please provide us with the model, serial number and the firmware version of your product and add detailed description of the problem.
  • Our service team will check the case to see if the problem can be easily resolved (for example by updating the firmware). If the issue cannot be resolved in the field, we will forward you instructions for sending us the device.
  • If the device has valid warranty, it will be replaced at no additional fees.

What if my product is out of warranty?

Even if your device is out of warranty, we’re still here to provide you with full service and support. If you have a faulty product, please contact our customer support team at web contact form.

IMPORTANT: Please send us request mentioning model, serial number and the firmware version of the Tester.

Our service team will check the case to see if the problem can be easily resolved. If the issue cannot be resolved in the field, we will forward you instructions for sending us the device. The device will be repaired and fully serviced, including calibration.

Afterwards you will receive Invoice to pay for services, the unit will be returned to you with calibration certificate valid for two years, and repair warranty valid for 1 year *.

* Repair warranty is valid for 1 year if the total age of device in service does not exceed 5 years; otherwise repair warranty is 4 months.

My product has come damaged, what should I do?

Having received a parcel with equipment, please, examine it forthwith and properly to make sure that the products have come in good condition.

If you received your parcel with products of invalid condition, be it by the damage while transportation or other faults that do not depend on you, please immediately contact your sales manager directly or through the web contact form.

Aeromarine SRT will replace the device for free of charge, and will do everything to minimize the time it takes.

GMDSS Testers All in One

AIS Tester

AIS Tester

AIS Tester is professional equipment for surveyors to provide mandatory annual testing of the Class A and Class B AIS mobile stations and AIS-SARTs in accordance with requirements of IMO and SOLAS. Complies with with IMO circular letter “Guidelines on annual testing of the AIS unit MSC.1/Circ.1252”.



BEACON TESTER enables professional checking of all types of maritime emergency radio beacons that operate in COSPAS-SARSAT system like EPIRBs, PLB. Provides mandatory annual EPIRB testing in accordance with IMO Circ.1039, 1040.

Beacon Tester Mini Wi-Fi

Beacon Tester Mini Wi-Fi

EPIRB Tester Mini w/ W-Fi is the fourth generation Beacon Tester appointed to check the maritime distress beacons (EPIRBs, PLBs) operating via COSPAS-SARSAT system. This device is really lightweight and is capable to operate via Wi-Fi with any smartphone, tablet or laptop. Its operation complies with SOLAS regulation, IMO 1039 and 1040 Circulars.



GMDSS Multi Tester MRTS-7M is the first hand-held multi tester enabling the testing of all GMDSS equipment: AIS stations, EPIRBs, VHF and MF/HF radios with DSC, AIS-SART and NAVTEX. The cutting-edge software is compatible with all operation systems. Automatic generation of test reports for all the range of tested equipment. And all reports are in IMO-required format. Less paper work, more surveys!

9GHz SART Tester STU-1

9GHz SART Tester STU-1

The SART Tester is designed to provide accurate, independent validation of the operation of any Radar-SART in accordance with the requirements of IMO Resolution A.802(19) and SOLAS - 74/88. Measures signal level and duration, counts the number of sweeps and calculates the distance from SART across radial line on the radar screen, verifies the signal in frequency range of 9140…9560 MHz.