in scope of IMO Radio Survey

We design our testers for you

Make your GMDSS inspection easy

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we offer a set of GMDSS Testers for Marine Radio Survey


Complete radio inspection scope

GMDSS Multi Tester MRTS-7M

GMDSS Multi Tester MRTS-7M is the first hand-held Multi Tester enabling the testing of all GMDSS equipment: AIS Stations, EPIRBs, VHF and MF/HF Radios with DSC, AIS-SART and NAVTEX.

The cutting-edge software is compatible with all operation systems. Automatic generation of test reports for all the range of tested equipment. And all reports are in IMO-required format. Less paper work, more surveys!

AIS Tester a is professional equipment for surveyors to provide mandatory annual testing of the Class A and Class B AIS mobile stations and AIS-SARTs in accordance with requirements of IMO and SOLAS. Complies with IMO circular letter “Guidelines on annual testing of the AIS unit MSC.1/Circ.1252”
BEACON TESTER enables professional checking of all types of maritime emergency radio beacons that operate in COSPAS-SARSAT system like EPIRBs, PLBs. Provides mandatory annual EPIRB testing in accordance with IMO Circular MSC.1/Circ.1039, 1040.
BEACON Tester Mini Wi-Fi is the the forth generation device appointed to check the maritime distress beacons (EPIRBs, PLBs) operating via COSPAS-SARSAT system. This device is really lightweight and is capable to operate via Wi-Fi with any smartphone, tablet or laptop. Its operation complies with SOLAS regulation, IMO 1039 and 1040 Circulars.
The SART Tester is designed to provide accurate, independent validation of the operation of any Radar-SART in accordance with the requirements of IMO Resolution A.802(19) and SOLAS - 74/88. Measure signal level and duration, count the number of sweeps and calculate the distance from SART across radial line on the radar screen, verifies the signal in frequency range of 9140…9560 MHz.
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We supply the testers with very friendly software. The procedure of test report generation is fast and simple.


The test instruments are shipped for free of charge to any location globally. Receive your order within 5 working days!


Here you purchase from manufacturer directly. Therefore we can offer you the best prices and risk reducers.


We provide global two years warranty against manufacture and firmware faults. We assure continuous customer support, tech team is always READY to help and can be easily contacted.

Have a tester in use already?

Check your tester's
calibration status

It’s vitally essential to keep every GMDSS Tester duly serviced. Only the calibrated equipment assures that the measurements are accurate and the survey results are reliable.

Verify the calibration status of your tester on our new on-line service.


Professional view on Radio Survey

Radio Survey Blog


6 ways to stay updated on GMDSS and AIS changes: tips for radio surveyors

The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and Automatic Identification System (AIS) are constantly evolving to keep pace with technological advancements and international maritime safety requirements. For radio surveyors, staying updated on these changes is essential for conducting accurate and compliant ship inspections. This short guide outlines the best ways to stay up-to-date with the latest GMDSS and AIS regulations and best... Read more >>

A new European regulation comes into force: which AIS MOB devices will survive after January 1, 2025?

Overloading of AIS channels is one of the challenges facing the maritime industry today. The work on finding solutions is carried out in various directions. One of them was proposed in the ITU recommendations and concerns the redistribution of frequencies used by AIS MOB devices. Based on the relevant documents, the European ECC (Electronic Communications Committee) adopted a regulation. According to it, from January 1, 2025, the use of AIS frequencies will be prohibited for certain types... Read more >>

The technology reshaping the future of maritime radiocommunications: AIS 2.0 (VDES)

Digital transformation is shaking up the maritime industry. The e-Navigation strategy, developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to revolutionize commercial shipping, is evolving, requiring new technologies and new approaches. Various systems are being integrated and coordinated to improve communications and data exchange between ships, shore stations, and satellites. The core goals of e-Navigation also include increasing safety and efficiency of navigation, reducing the... Read more >>

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It helps start usage easy and fast

Video Manuals

Here you can find training videos explaining the purpose and operation of the testers.

GMDSS Tester Software

Test an MF/HF radio station by GMDSS Multi Tester MRTS-7M

Learn how to test an MF/HF radio station on board, while carrying out a GMDSS survey.

9GHz SART Testing

9GHz SART Testing procedure tested by STU-1

AIS Testing by MRTS-7M

Testing AIS Class A station in volume of IMO annual test

EPIRB Testing by MRTS-7M

Testing Cospas-Sarsat 406MHz EPIRBs during annual survey


Here you can find a complete catalogue of our equipment with detailed description and specifications.

GMDSS Test Equipment Catalouge
Maritime Safety


Training course - Mastering GMDSS tester MRTS-7M

Aeromarine SRT customers now have the opportunity to enroll in a training course on our flagship device — the GMDSS multi tester MRTS-7M. This practice-oriented course is designed to help users quickly and efficiently master the device, making full use of its capabilities: https://edu.gmdsstesters.com

New service for the users of our testers - Help Desk

This is a place where you can ask a technical question directly to our engineers. You can find it in Support section on our web-site.

Use it when you face any issue in your device’s operation and need support.

The service is absolutely free of charge. 

New Service For Marine Radio Surveyors On Our Site

We launched Marine Radio Surveyors Directory where radio surveyors and ship owners who need a survey find each other.

The Directory is equipped with search by region and type of equipment surveyed.

The joining is free of charge currently!

Guidance on AIS devices agreed

The Sub-Committee endorsed a draft Safety of Navigation (SN.1) circular providing information to seafarers on the display of AIS-SART, AIS Man Overboard (MOB) and EPIRB-AIS devices, for submission to the MSC for approval.

Your Feedback

What people say about our products?

Robert Dare
Cadeni Australia Pty Ltd

Apart from a few isolated cases, the system works exceptionally well and is allowing us to more testing on board, with more accuracy, in less time. Along with the generated reports it really makes the reporting extensive and accurate.

Alton D. LeDoux
Crystal Enterprises

Your bt.mini is an excellent piece of test equipment. I ordered it first because I had never dealt with your company before and decided to purchase your least expensive tester. Now, after two years of trouble free service, I am impressed enough that I am "moving up" to a tester with more features. Your shipping response time is outstanding.

Tuấn Nghiêm
Codar Singapore Group

Very compact tester. The support also great. Thanks Aeromarine SRT!

Nicolas Hawa
Supervisor Service Engineer

Aeromarine  MRTS-7M is a trustful instrument that has been used by our Service Engineers in all our attendances onboard.

High reliability, light design, quality performance and accurate results.

A trustful partner to our services, because the Correct Results Matter to us.

what we do

GMDSS Test equipment for Radio Survey or Inspection

We are proud to offer the GMDSS Testers, perfect test instruments for radio inspectors performing mandatory, periodical surveys of:

  • Ship-borne communications equipment: MF/HF/VHF radios with DSC
  • COSPAS-SARSAT 406MHz Radio Beacons, such as EPIRBs and PLBs of all types and manufacturers
  • Mobile AIS stations Class A and Class B, AIS-SARTs, AtoNs, AIS Base stations
  • Search and Rescue Radar Transponders (SARTs)
  • Navtex Equipment

Developed and manufactured for professional checking and easy use, testers are used for radio survey all over the globe.

In accordance with the rules of the classification societies, GMDSS tester is required to a radio surveyor to become a recognized specialist.

Thank you for your interest in our products!

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over 20 years
of expirience
3500 testers sold
to 72 countries
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