Video Manuals
Here you can find training videos explaining the purpose and operation of the testers. It helps to start usage easy and fast.
GMDSS Multi Tester MRTS-7M is the first hand-held multi tester enabling the testing of all GMDSS equipment: AIS stations, EPIRBs, VHF and MF/HF radios with DSC, AIS-SART and NAVTEX.
The cutting-edge software is compatible with all operation systems.
Automatic generation of test reports for all the range of tested equipment. And all reports are in IMO-required format. Less paper work, more surveys!
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Test of Samyung VHF Station by means of GMDSS Tester MRTS-7M.
Testing Cospas-Sarsat 406MHz EPIRBs during annual survey
Testing AIS Class A station in volume of IMO annual test
Learn how to test an MF/HF radio station on board, while carrying out a GMDSS survey.
AIS Tester
AIS Tester is professional equipment for surveyors to provide mandatory annual testing of the Class A and Class B AIS mobile stations and AIS-SARTs in accordance with requirements of IMO and SOLAS. Complies with with IMO circular letter “Guidelines on annual testing of the AIS unit MSC.1/Circ.1252”.
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The AIS tester can be easily connected to any PC or laptop. The connection is carried out by means of standard USB A-USB A cable and special software available on website.
AIS Tester is a test device operating on AIS channel 1 (ch87B), AIS Channel 2 (ch88B) and DSC Channel 70 frequencies. The tester is designed under corresponding standards and recommendations ITU R M-1371-3 and IEC 61993-2 as a tool of operation and installation tests of AIS unit (Automatic Identification System).
AIS Tester is a test device operating on AIS channel 1 (ch87B), AIS Channel 2 (ch88B) and DSC Channel 70 frequencies. The tester is designed under corresponding standards and recommendations ITU R M-1371-3 and IEC 61993-2 as a tool of operation and installation tests of AIS unit (Automatic Identification System).
The tester is designed under corresponding standards and recommendations ITU R M-1371-3 and IEC 61993-2 as a tool of operation and installation tests of AIS unit (Automatic Identification System).
The tests volume complies with IMO circular letter \"Guidelines on annual testing of the AIS unit MSC.1/Circ.1252\"
The tester is designed under corresponding standards and recommendations ITU R M-1371-3 and IEC 61993-2 as a tool of operation and installation tests of AIS unit (Automatic Identification System).
The tests volume complies with IMO circular letter \"Guidelines on annual testing of the AIS unit MSC.1/Circ.1252\"
BEACON TESTER enables professional checking of all types of maritime emergency radio beacons that operate in COSPAS-SARSAT system like EPIRBs, PLB. Provides mandatory annual EPIRB testing in accordance with IMO Circ.1039, 1040.
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406MHz SARSAT BEACON TESTER is designed to check the maritime emergency radio beacons operating via COSPAS-SARSAT system such as Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRBs).
406MHz SARSAT BEACON Tester can be easilly connected to PC to download all data and creat test reports. Software can be downloaded at
406MHz SARSAT BEACON Tester can be easilly connected to PC to download all data and creat test reports. Software can be downloaded at
406MHz BEACON TESTER can receive the transmission from any 406 MHz COSPAS-SARSAT beacons of any manufacturer transmitting either in test mode or in real alert emergency mode. Also the tester provides the reception and check of 121,5MHz home transmitter signal.
Beacon Tester Mini Wi-Fi
EPIRB Tester Mini w/ W-Fi is the fourth generation Beacon Tester appointed to check the maritime distress beacons (EPIRBs, PLBs) operating via COSPAS-SARSAT system. This device is really lightweight and is capable to operate via Wi-Fi with any smartphone, tablet or laptop. Its operation complies with SOLAS regulation, IMO 1039 and 1040 Circulars.
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BEACON Tester Mini w/ W-Fi is the newest elaborated device appointed to check the maritime distress beacons (EPIRBs, PLBs) operating via COSPAS-SARSAT system. The outstanding features of device are a really light weight and a possibility to operate via Wi-Fi connection with any smart phone, tablet, PC or laptop.
9GHz SART Tester STU-1
The SART Tester is designed to provide accurate, independent validation of the operation of any Radar-SART in accordance with the requirements of IMO Resolution A.802(19) and SOLAS - 74/88. Measures signal level and duration, counts the number of sweeps and calculates the distance from SART across radial line on the radar screen, verifies the signal in frequency range of 9140…9560 MHz.
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9GHz SART Testing procedure tested by STU-1
The MF/HF/VHF/DSC/NAVTEX Marine Radio Test System MRTS-7 is intended to provide accurate, independent validation of the operation of GMDSS-radios in accordance with the requirements under IMO A.948(23) resolution.
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The MF/HF/VHF/DSC/NAVTEX Marine Radio Test System MRTS-7 is intended to provide accurate, independent validation of the operation of the NAVTEX equipment. More info
The GMDSS Tester MRTS-7 can be easily connected to any PC or laptop to download all data and prepare test reports.
The MF/HF/VHF/DSC/NAVTEX Marine Radio Test System MRTS-7 is intended to provide accurate, independent validation of the operation of the following equipment: * MF/HF radiotelephone equipment; * MF/HF DSC controllers; * MF/HF receivers with the DSC; * VHF receiver-transmitters; * VHF receiver-transmitters with DSC: * VHF duplex radiotelephony equipment;
The MF/HF/VHF/DSC/NAVTEX Marine Radio Test System MRTS-7 is intended to provide accurate, independent validation of the operation of the following equipment: * MF/HF radiotelephone equipment; * MF/HF DSC controllers; * MF/HF receivers with the DSC; * VHF receiver-transmitters; * VHF receiver-transmitters with DSC: * VHF duplex radiotelephony equipment; * NAVTEX equipment;in accordance with the requirements under IMO A.948(23) resolution and other local classification authorities.
The MF/HF/VHF/DSC/NAVTEX Marine Radio Test System MRTS-7 is intended to provide accurate, independent validation of the operation of the following equipment: * MF/HF radiotelephone equipment; * MF/HF DSC controllers; * MF/HF receivers with the DSC; * VHF receiver-transmitters;
Sarsat Beacon Monitor 406
Cospas-Sarsat Distress Signal Fixed Receiver (hereafter as Sarsat Beacon Monitor 406 – 406MHz emergency radio beacon monitoring system) is intended for 406MHz emergency radio beacon rapid signals reception, decoding and positioning. The equipment is destined to reduce rescue operation time.
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SART Tester
!!! Discontinued !!! Take a look for new SART Tester STU-1.
The SART Tester provides precise, complete verification of the operation of any Search and Rescue Transponder in accordance with the requirements of IMO Resolution A.802(19). It is professional and user-friendly device for radio surveyors, inspectors, classification societies and administrative authorities.
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The SART Tester is designed to provide accurate, independent validation of the operation of any Radar-SART in accordance with the requirements of SOLAS - 74/88 and other local classification authorities.
The SART Tester allows ensuring the SART meets the appropriate performance requirements. The SART Tester is portable and easy in use. It is far more effective and reliable than the primitive self-test function offered by any SART.
Thus the RADAR-SART Tester can be easily connected to any PC or laptop. The connection is carried out by means of special cable included in standard delivery set and special software available on our website.
The SART Tester is designed to provide accurate, independent validation of the operation of any Radar-SART in accordance with the requirements of SOLAS - 74/88 and other local classification authorities.