GMDSS Radio Survey Blog

#General 9 min 81659 views

GMDSS batteries are an important tool that provides power supply for GMDSS equipment operation in case of an emergency. 

Regulation 13, Chapter IV of SOLAS sets the following requirements for GMDSS batteries...


#General 1 min 2900 views

The video shows how to use Multi GMDSS Software to manage test results of GMDSS Testers.

From this video you'll learn how ...

#General 1 min 1760 views

Dear friends,

We have been receiving lots of positive comments about our software functionality and convenience. We really appreciate it. ...

#General 2 min 1938 views

This time our team has been looking forward to METS Trade in Amsterdam with particular impatience. 

The matter is we were ready to ...

#General 1 min 2186 views

Dear Customers and Partners, season's greetings from Aeromarine SRT Team!

Ready for 2020?

We are! But first let’s ...

#General 3 min 2164 views

In 2020 the Galileo Navigation Satellite System will present Return Link Service.

With it, anyone who got into emergency situation and ...

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#General 1 min 1882 views

Making summary of the year 2018 we should say that we are very very grateful to all our clients!

Cause grace to You we always do our best ...

#General 2 min 2008 views

The International Maritime trade fair SMM that took place in September 2018 in the city of Hamburg, Germany, became the great event not only for ...

#General 8 min 17221 views

Radio survey is a set of testing services provided for a vessel to verify and confirm its readiness and safety for navigation in appropriate sea ...

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