For more than 30 years, the GMDSS has been ensuring the safety of navigation by providing emergency communications for ships at sea. However, over time, any system needs to be upgraded: some of the technologies it uses are becoming obsolete, while others, more advanced, need to be introduced.
During the last decade, the GMDSS has been in the process of modernization. SOLAS Chapter IV on Radiocommunications, with the regulations for the GMDSS, is being amended, together with related IMO instruments. It aims to allow the use of modern communication systems in the GMDSS; the requirements for outdated systems are removed. The draft amendments will be approved in late 2021 and adopted in 2022, with a view to entering into force on 1 January 2024.
The Second Generation Beacon (SGB) is a product that has been expected in the maritime industry in the last ...
ATIS (Automatic Transmitter Identification System) is a system used in marine VHF radios. It is mandatory for the identification of ...
February 13 is World Radio Day. This is a young holiday, which was established by UNESCO in 2011, and the first celebration took place ...
With the implementation of the GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System), it became necessary to check the equipment that is ...
We launched a new service - Help Desk. You can find it in Support section on our web-site.
This is a place where you can ask a technical ...
The monopoly of Inmarsat, which has been the only provider of satellite GMDSS services since 1999, is over. In early 2020, Iridium was ...
1. For a long time, our company was known as “Musson Marine”. In 2015, after restructuring, we changed the name to Aeromarine ...
MF/HF radio station is a high tech equipment, designed for receiving and transmitting messages between vessels in the medium and high ...