GMDSS Radio Survey Blog

#EPIRB 4 min 5059 views

Now only EPIRBs with GNSS function are approved for sale.

Seafaring was always connected with certain dangers. Since the Titanic all possible measures were applied for preventing marine accidents. The number of casualties is constantly decreasing. Nevertheless, the statistics shows that on average two vessels are still sinking per day.


#EPIRB 5 min 22619 views

Emergency positioning beacons are one of the most important equipment on board. In case something goes wrong, one of them is of great importance ...

#General 1 min 2787 views

The video shows how to use Multi GMDSS Software to manage test results of GMDSS Testers.

From this video you'll learn how ...

#General 1 min 1673 views

Dear friends,

We have been receiving lots of positive comments about our software functionality and convenience. We really appreciate it. ...

#General 2 min 1845 views

This time our team has been looking forward to METS Trade in Amsterdam with particular impatience. 

The matter is we were ready to ...

#General 1 min 2089 views

Dear Customers and Partners, season's greetings from Aeromarine SRT Team!

Ready for 2020?

We are! But first let’s ...

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#General 3 min 2081 views

In 2020 the Galileo Navigation Satellite System will present Return Link Service.

With it, anyone who got into emergency situation and ...

#GMDSS Radio 3 min 15883 views

Marine communication has long history and continues developing to this day. For the last years this field have been changed and innovated ...

#EPIRB 1 min 2137 views

Our customers and friends know that this year we presented the new great multifunctional tester MRTS-7M that provides testing of AIS, EPIRB, VHF, ...

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