GMDSS Radio Survey Blog

#General 5 min 15551 views

In order to ensure the operability of GMDSS radio equipment (under SOLAS-74/88, Regulations IV/15.6 and 15.7), at least two of the following methods should be used on ships navigating in sea areas A3 and A4: qualified maintenance and repair at sea; shore based maintenance; duplication of equipment.

When the vessel is operating in the sea areas A1 and A2, it is sufficient to use one of these methods, or a combination of them, by the decision of the Administration.


#General 9 min 18120 views

Regular and detailed inspections of ships and their equipment can significantly reduce the number of emergencies at sea, ensure the safety of ...

#General 1 min 2581 views

In autumn, the wind of change is especially strong. And some renewals also took place in our company!

Today we are excited to announce our ...

#General 8 min 36164 views

GMDSS equipment must work properly to perform the functions assigned to it. To ensure this, regular testing of the ship's radio ...

#General 17 min 77098 views

The navigation equipment of the vessel consists of a set of devices that determine the ship's position, speed, course, and also ensure ...

#General 8 min 77084 views

Since its inception, radio has been used to save lives at sea. After the tragedy with the Titanic, the International Conference on ...

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#EPIRB 6 min 4150 views

Cospas-Sarsat is an international satellite-based system. It detects and locates the radio beacons activated by persons, aircraft or ...

#General 5 min 10547 views

For more than 30 years, the GMDSS has been ensuring the safety of navigation by providing emergency communications for ships at sea. However, over ...

#EPIRB 15 min 7614 views

The Second Generation Beacon (SGB) is a product that has been expected in the maritime industry in the last ...

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